Excuse Exam Applications
2022-2023 academic year spring semester midterm excuse exam applications will be made on May 03-04, 2023 and excuse exams will be held on May 08-12, 2023. The make-up exam applications of the students who cannot take the midterm exam will be made through the student information system, and the applications of the students who have taken the exam but whose exam is incomplete due to systemic problems and therefore want to take the make-up exam from the students who have an exam grade will be made via e-mail to the relevant department heads with the petition below.
Make-up exam programs will be announced on the web pages of academic units until the end of working hours on Friday, May 05, 2023.
Click here for the Application Petition.
Yayın Tarihi: 21/12/2023
Okunma Sayısı: 134